Have you ever had days when you wake up and you are just so thankful for everything? I mean, everyday I am thankful, but today I woke up and really counted my blessings. I'm in love with my life and the people in it. I'm so thankful that God has blessed me with such wonderful family and friends. Those people who truly care about me and want to best for me in everything I do. So, I've decided to make a list of everyone and everything I'm thankful for.
1.) My God. How great he is!! He has blessed me and I don't deserve any of it. None of us do. Thank you my Lord, for always being there for me and helping me learn to put all my trust in you.
2.) My faith. Though I may swerve off the road from time to time, God always has his way of bumping me back on course. My faith is stronger than it has ever been and NO ONE can take it away from me. I fear that our country is heading down a road that will one day lead to practicing Christianity as being a crime. I'll hold on then, like I'm holding on now.
3.) My husband. Sweetheart, I love you a little more, everyday that I have you. You have taught me so many things over the last ten years and I'm so thankful I waited for you and your unconditional love :) You are an extraordinary man and an awesome father. I love everything about you! I couldn't ask for more.
4.) My child. One of the greatest gifts God has ever blessed me with. He is my heart, my love, my life. I would die for him.
5.) My family. Though, it's far from the perfect family, I'm so grateful that God has blessed me with these people who enrich my life every day. I love my family and I'm so excited to see it growing!!
6.) Friends. It's true what they say, "As you get older, your friends will change". I used to think I couldn't live without some of my friends from high school, but we all went our separate ways and I met new friends. Over the last few years, I have gained friends and I've lost friends. Each one of you have come into my life for a reason. Even though I may not know what that reason is, I'm thankful. I've learned that you can't keep all the friends you meet along the way, but you can always remember what you learned from them. Some of them life lessons, others just learning to laugh at the stupid stuff life throws at you. I'm so thankful for all of you that I can truly call my friend. You are worth more to me than anything in this world and I love you!
These are the things money can't buy, people I can't live without and loved ones who when they're gone, I will miss. Today, I'm thanking God above for giving me just one more breath, to keep enjoying the life I'm so in love with.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago