Today, was Deacon's 11 month ear & weight checkup. Last month, he lost over a pound due to his RSV and was underweight for his age (Weighed 19.2 before, 17.12 after RSV) and he got a double ear infection after it was all over with. So, we have been working diligently this month, trying to get his weight back to where it should be and we succeeded. He weighs 20.4 lbs! Our pediatrician was very pleased with his weight gain and he is back in the normal weight percentile for his age (makes me feel better). While we were there, I remembered I didn't have any pictures of Deacon with his Pediatrician or the nurse that has been helping us the whole year. So, I decided to snap a few photos of them before we left.
Little Monkey and Dr. K
This is what we do every time we visit the doctor. Someone has to play with the water faucet :)
Little Monkey and Nurse R.