I feel like I've hit a brick wall. I spent all day getting the house prepared for 40 people and I'm beyond exhaustion. Not to mention I just spent the last hour and half redesigning our blog in honor of the Little Monkey's birthday. Thank goodness I had some good music to listen to while I worked (Akon's "Beautiful). Don't you just love it? I do! I just love bright and fun colors :) The Little Monkey and I really didn't have a good day today. He has stopped taking naps. Where he was taking three naps a day, he is now down to one! One! I know he's tired, but he won't give in and just go to bed. Instead, he prefers to roll around on the living room floor and whine, but will scream his head off if I stick him in his crib. He just loves me that much I guess. Ha!! So, the time I used to spend relaxing in my chair, cleaning house, blogging, etc is now no more :( Maybe this is just a phase he's going through :) Probably won't have time after tonight to blog until after the party. However, I do have a post timed to publish tomorrow that I think is so sweet. You will have to come back and check it out ( it has pics, I promise).