March 12, 2010

Grand Canyon/Las Vegas, Day 4-5

Sorry I didn't get a chance to blog last night. We drove all day and finally stopped to stay inside the Grand Canyon last night (where there was no internet). We had a blast driving through Colorado and seeing all the beautiful, snow capped mountains. I took so many pictures while in Colorado, but I'm sad to say.............they accidentally got deleted. Yes, every. single. one! Right as we were entering Arizona, I was trying to figure out how to set the timer on the camera and ended up deleting every picture over a six hour period. I was horrified! However, we are driving back through Colorado on Monday, so I should get some pictures of the mountains again :) We woke up super early this morning and watched the sun rise at The Grand Canyon. It was beautiful! We spent most of the morning exploring the South Rim and it was so much more than I imagined. Breathtaking is the only word to describe it. We finished touring the canyon around lunch and hit the road for Vegas. We finally made it here and all I can say is WOW! This is one crazy town and I've only been here less than an hour ;) Right now, as I type this I am looking out over Las Vegas Boulevard marveling at all the beautiful buildings. We are staying at the MGM Grand and from what I've seen, it's a pretty nice place. Apparently, we picked an awesome time to come to Vegas considering there are Spring Breakers everywhere (sense the sarcasm :) ). Anyway, I can't wait for tonight to get here to see Vegas and all the pretty lights. I tried uploading several pictures, but for some reason this one is the only one that would load :( Enjoy! This picture doesn't do The Grand Canyon justice. I have a ton more gorgeous pictures :) I will post them sometime after we get back home, or if my internet connection speeds up :)
